Ike Trading Co., Ltd is deeply committed to the preservation of our environment and to minimizing our impact on it.
We believe that forestlands are precious natural resources that need to be preserved for future generations to enjoy.
Properly managed forests provide forestry related jobs, reduce atmospheric carbon and provide scenic beauty for everyone to enjoy. We continually work with our suppliers, service providers and customers to find innovate ways to reduce our carbon footprint and to incorporate environmental awareness into all our business practices.
Ike Trading Co., Ltd is fully compliant with all industry environmental and procurement regulations.
- We comply with all U.S. laws as well as the rules and regulations of the courtiers where our products are sourced.
- We are fully compliant with the US Lacey Act ensuring that the wood we import was sourced in an environmentally responsible and legal manner.
- We fully support and seek out suppliers that are environmentally responsible and that have received third party certifications such as Forestry Stewardship Council® (FSC®). Please ask about our FSC availability.
It is our policy to avoid sourcing wood from forest areas where;
- Traditional or civil rights are violated
- Forest areas where high conservation values are threatened by management activities
- Wood from forests in which genetically modified trees are planted
- Wood that has been harvested illegally
- Wood harvested from areas which have been converted from natural forest to plantations or non-forest uses